Two Fruits

Monday, April 30, 2007

First Four Months

Distance: 15.9 km
Time: 92'54"
Rate: 5'49" per km
Weather: PM run,cloudy,cool,16 degrees,light NW breeze,humidity 60%
Week: 31.3 km
Running days: 2/2
Ave: 15.65 km per run day
April: 448.15 km
Running days: 21/30
Ave: 21.34 km per run day
Year: 1575.6 km
Running days: 83/120
Ave: 18.98 km per run day
First 4 months: 393.9 km per month ave
First 17 weeks: 91.75 km per week ave

Today ended the first 4 months of the year with the successful completion of the Six Foot Track and training for GH80 in 3 weeks on track. So far there have been no injuries or sickness to worry about, bought about by years of experience in long distance mountain running, a sensible training program knowing where the limits are, plenty of rest days, proper recovery and the fact that I love the training more than racing.
The above figures are well above any consecutive 4 months I have ever done. Surprisingly for all the kms done,there is still a bit of sprint speed still there with a solid run last Sunday.
Today's run was after work so ran at 2:30pm. From work on a loop around the base of Urambi Hill where the old vet's handicap went returning to Pine Is by the river tracks. The run was an attempt to get used to running tired, simulating running at the 6-7 hour mark in 3 weeks time. With a alarm clock going off before 5 am this morning, the best I can do to run after work, damn hard it is.
Also need another night run this week, probably Thursday night with Friday a rest day. Big run then on Saturday. Just need to be careful, don't do a CJ.


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