Can you do slow tempo running?
Distance: 21.45km
Time: 1hr 56mins 04secs
Rate: 5'34" per km
Weather: Start 10:30AM,sunny,light NW breeze,temp range 17-22 degrees,humidity start80% down to 40%
Distance: 57.5km
Running days: 3/4
Ave: 19.17km per run day
Distance: 275.15km
Running days: 13/18
Ave: 21.16km per run day
Distance: 1402.6 km
Running days: 75/108
Ave: 18.7km per run day
I don't know how to describe today's run other than it was supposed to be a medium distance mid week run which it was.It was one of those "grey" runs,just good distance in the legs at reasonable pace on a lovely day to be out.
I combined both the Theodore hills area and the river area to Pine Is so a mixture of undulating fire trail, soft sandy river tracks (beaut to run) leaving out any thought of a mountain top. No need for that now until training for BC in October.
I am actually surprising myself at how I am clocking up the kms this month without any problems, may be looking at a PB (most ever was 480km back in Dec 2003).
The secret is really recovery, being able to back up day after day and knowing when to have a day off. Sleep in and watch morning TV (boring) but essential. A bit of cross training helps as well, and a few chocolates. A massage may be due shortly.
Geez, you're almost back at 'Ewen and Ruth pace'! Stop enjoying it so much ;)
By Ewen, At April 19, 2007 at 8:38 PM
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