Around in Circles
Distance: 24.0 km
Time: 2 hrs 16 mins 37 secs
Rate: 5' 41" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21-29 degrees, humidity 20%, wind calm
Week: 80.55 km
November: 226.1 km
Year: 3838.4 km
With Triple Tri on Sunday, although only 20 km over Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie, I decided to " do it for the team". I sacrificed a long run on Saturday for a short, flat 24 km today, but I would have done up to 18 km today anyway.
Another perfect day, a bit warm this morning but Sunday's weather forecast is similar so, get used to it and don't complain. Just carry enough to drink and replenish on the way. Started out from work, down around the river, up to the top of Stranger Hill behind Bonython, back to Pine Is, continue out to Tuggie Creek, and back to Pine Is beach. First stop for quick dip in the river, continue back towards Bonython houses and back to the beach for second dip in the water. It is a training run, no prizes for being a hero today, try to keep up with the drinking, run relaxed and enjoy the day. Last short section back to work. In fact they second half or the whole run was much better than the first, may have been a bit of tiredness from the bike ride and run yesterday.
Still a good effort, out well over two hours, November run total also well over 200 kms by half way through the month.
Not quite a rest day tomorrow, but an easy 15 km should be OK before Sunday. See, I am sacrificing , the team comes first.
You could have done an easy run with about 20 others around Mt Ainslie this morning :)
By Ewen, At November 17, 2007 at 12:32 PM
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