Out of Time but not Out of Sight
Distance: 9.8 km
Time: 49' 52"
Rate: 5' 05" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 27 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 26.1 km
November: 171.65 km
Year: 3783.95 km
Big day today with lots to do and not much spare time. A split shift is always good with 4 plus hours off in the middle of the day to do or not to do. Except when you have to attend a meeting about the next bus network at MacArthur House north of the city. Travelling and meeting time squeezes any spare time available. Not running yesterday caused a few anxious moments working out when and where to go running today. Split shifts also mean early start, 7:30am and late finish 7:30pm. I don't like running much outside of either of these times.
However, to get around all these small problems, I spread lunch out over the whole day, managed to get just an hour in to go for a run, flattish on the tracks by the river, a quick dip in the mighty Murrumbidgee and somehow get back behind the wheel on time.
Today was just ideal outside, shame about the available time to enjoy it properly, but that's life. Just hope everyone turns up for work tomorrow, I have nothing to do and I get hours off to do what I want. Dreaming!!
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