I Did a CJ - Spectacular
Bike Ride: Distance: 29 km - Time: 1 hr 59 mins - Rate: 14.7 kmph
Run: Distance: 9.3 km - Time: 48' 41" - Rate: 5' 13" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 22-29 degrees, humidity 25%, wind calm
Week; 56.55 km
November: 202.1 km
Year: 3814.4 km
More on the title later. Yesterday I noted that the good mtn bike riders from work go out for a more adventurous ride on Thursdays and after no thought at all, I decided to join them.The other option, 10 x 1km intervals. Most including myself have a part in the same team at the Triple Tri on Sunday, so today was a good last hit out. The group of 5 of us, 2 Steves, 1 Kevin, 1 David and 1 Bob set out from the depot and on the dirt wherever possible all day, followed Isabella Dr up to MacArthur, over to Gilmore behind the houses on a good dirt track, picking up a fair pace in places. Unfortunately the good open track disappeared for a while and while trying to navigate through the long grass, a big hole jumped and grabbed me, stopped the bike in it's tracks and I kept going....... over the handle bars, through the air without a parachute and I landed luckily on some soft grass gazing at the sky. What happened, the others didn't have to ask as they all saw the me, and so now does everyone else at work. No pictures, no damage to me or the bike, just a dent in the ego and pride.
It didn't stop a great day as we kept going from Gilmore down to Calwell oval, up Tharwa Dr to Gordon, down Woodcock Dr to the dog exercise area, along the river track from Point Hut to Pine Is. We really liked finding and riding on narrow soft single tracks and the river area is great for that. After Pine Is we made our way past the archery targets behind Centrelink building over to Tuggie Creek going through at the 4WD crossing. Up to the wooden bridge and down Athllon Dr to the depot. The others went off to recover but I still had a bit a couple of hours to fill in so ..... I went for a run.
As much as the bike ride is so much fun and excellent cross training or getting back after time off, CJ , great idea, I still need to run. A short run just on some of the usual tracks where we rode, over to the back of Bonython, the river track, stop for a swim at Pine Is beach to wash off sweat and dust, and back to work.
An absolutely brilliant day out, great ride with the guys from work, a good solid run, a swim, time for a shower and the rest of lunch between having to earn a living. Even that was good today. Doesn't get much better than today, except maybe 35- 50 km run on a Saturday, company is always nice.
Longer run on Friday, short easy run on Saturday and then Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie in Triple Tri on Sunday.
Saturday morning is at 7:30, not this week but yes after that. Triple Tri this Sunday.
Two Fruits, At
November 15, 2007 at 9:50 PM
Thanks - have a good TT. Probably just the Ainslie loop for me in the morning.
Technically, it's not "A CJ" unless there are photographs.
Ewen, At
November 16, 2007 at 5:46 PM
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