Tuggeranong at it's Best
Distance: 19.5 km
Time: 1 hr 43 mins 58 secs
Rate: 5' 20" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 17-19 degrees, humidity 50%, SE wind at 17 km
Week: 38.3 km
December: 275.5 km
Year: 4293.75 km
When you live in the best part of the nation's capital, there is no need to run on the road. Just a hundred metres down the street, and my feet no longer have to touch a hard surface, except a few metres crossing over a street to a dirt track or a grass oval. As well, there are plenty of hills.
I only run from home at present every fourth week, start work mid afternoon this week and finish normally around midnight. Very good working hours to get plenty of running done at a sensible time of the day.
Headed Ewen's way today, down past Calwell shops, oval and behind Theodore to the sub station. Around the back of Tuggeranong Hill on the Conder side, over the ridge to the reservoirs, and back to the sub station.
It was a bit easier going home as the south easterly breeze was behind and it is slightly down hill, managed to stay under 5'00" km pace.
Good day out, much better than a few previous running days. I did manage to have a couple of afternoon siestas over the weekend and this has certainly helped in the recovery process. An interesting story on sleep in the current R4YL magazine.
Funny, I don't often run that track - lately I've been preferring the gentle slope up to Rose Cottage.
Sleep! Where do I get more of that?
Ewen, At
December 17, 2007 at 4:56 PM
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