Two Fruits

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Day after the Massage

Distance: 18.8 km
Time: 1hr 46 mins 43 secs
Rate: 5' 40"
Weather: sunny, temp 22-31 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm to start then up NW at 16 kmph
Week: 81.1 km
Jan & Year: 501.7 km

I visited Maria after yesterday's run at the oval with no real problems I could find myself. An ongoing problem with my right shoulder is still bad and the left shoulder is not much better but not as sore. Both are work related and don't affect running at this stage. If I can't get them fixed, then remain pain free to continue at work, then some other decisions may need to be made. I like my work, but gee, I could retire, go travelling, fishing and running every day. Unlikely.
Today I went down by the river to Point Hut and Pine Is mainly to get some cold water on the legs and shoulders. A few mums and bubs down there making the most of the last week of school holidays. First part of the run was OK but faded in the heat on the way home, drank plenty on the way, but it was getting warm before the breeze picked up from the NW.
Passed the 500 km mark for the year, so off to a good start, plenty to do this year in what may well be the last year with so much in it. Next year, just a few targeted different events, missing out most of the one's I have done so often.


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