Bike Ride... Over and Ouch !!
Distance: 22 km in 1 hour 46 mins
Weather: sunny, warm, temp 23-26 degrees, humidity 25%, wind calm
Running: nil
Thursday is work bike ride and my cross training day. Sometimes I go for a short run after the ride. And sometimes I just sit down in the canteen and eat. Today I did something different.
Just two of us ventured out on a perfect day. The course is made up as we go, not much planning goes into the day, just let's see what happens. We stayed close to Drakeford Dr going north, past Kambah Village, left onto Sulwood Dr, then left again down Kambah Pool Road past the golf course.
Then decision time, back near Gleneagles estate and Urambi hills, or do we continue down the road to Kambah Pool. Kambah Pool wins out as Kevvie hasn't been along the river track heading back toward Tuggeranong.
We investigate the blue/green algae in the river. It is everywhere, the river is closed for use. We also investigate the nudist beach, no one to be seen, must be in hiding as there are a few cars parked. We also check out the nearby clubhouse/ HQ/ environmentally friendly toilet block. Very trendy, solar power etc.
On the track leading to Tuggeranong Creek, Pine Is direction, very dry, plenty of exposed rocks, trees roots, etc to make the riding interesting. The track for riding gets rough, great for running, not much to ride, so we walk and push the bikes on the narrow parts high above Red Rocks Gorge. Very little water in the river, upstream here still full of algae.
A little later on, we throw the bikes through the kookaburra gate, stopping for a drink and a chat.
Then on a short, sharp down hill slope leading to a wooden ramp, I hit the brakes too hard, the front one locks and I go over the handle bars very spectacular. Kevvie just catches a look at the last moment, but no phone camera so no pictures.
Damage done, bike, back brake stuffed, no other damage. Me, other than laughing a lot and pride, bits of skin off, and a swollen right lower leg just above the ankle.
Rode back to work, the guys in the canteen found some ice, placed on the swelling for 10 minutes on, 5 minutes off, sat back in the chair and rested. It's all about the RICE. Then eat the rice after the icing. Or is that with milk or cream, hot or cold.
No running tomorrow, hopefully be right by Saturday. Doesn't matter, I will go on Saturday anyway, so Michael, pick me up as arranged.
Next week on holidays so I can pick up the missed few days running.
Every time there is an important event coming up, there will be an incident in the weeks leading to it. Today was my incident, mostly just a near miss, but always something that goes wrong. Plenty of time to recover for me, just nothing more especially in the last week. That's why I am not running Weston Creek Half Marathon.
You made up for the CJs CJ's not doing. Would have been a winner on Funniest Home Videos.
Ewen, At
February 20, 2009 at 4:31 PM
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