Friday kind of Monday
Distance: 14.95 km
Time: 79' 01"
Rate: 5' 17" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 18 degrees, humidity 60%, wind SE at 25 kmph
Week: 14.95 km
Feb: 208.0 km
Year: 641.35 km
Plenty of similarities between last Friday and today. Same course, just 50 metres longer today, 31 seconds slower for that extra distance, weather very similar, summer seems to have gone for the moment.
A light drizzle going to work this morning and again at midday. Hardly any of that water would have registered in a rain gauge.
Same trip to run home for lunch, except I met softshoeshuffle on the river track between Pine Is and Point Hut. Stopped for a quick chat then on our way. He is on his last week of holidays, I have next week off to get my running back on track.
Not much else to report. Longer run tomorrow, providing the weather is Ok, I will run to the top of Mt Taylor and back to work. Tuesday and Thursday are my stay at work all day, days.
Tuesday is my "get home early and run a few laps in lane 6" day.
Ewen, At
February 17, 2009 at 3:04 PM
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