Walking on the West Side
Distance: 9.15 km
Time: 1 hr 49 mins 38 secs
Rate: 11' 59" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21-25 degrees, humidity 25%, wind calm
Week: 28.15 km
March: 181.75 km
Year: 1012.15 km
Members of the handicap sub committee checked out the tracks on the western side of Mt Stromlo. Used, in years 2000-02, the trees were destroyed by bush fires in 2003.
The area has been cleared of trees, but opened up the area. A nice day today and hopefully the same in late May. The long course has plenty of down hill, great running over a few kms at pace, but what goes down must go back up. A nice long climb back to the start in the same place as previously used. Many will love this course over 7.5 kms, but some may not. After all, it is the first in the KOM series.
The short course will go the reverse of the long, distance yet to be decided, so finish with a nice up hill.
Should be another fun monthly handicap for all, except me. I will be in Tassie on holidays attending my auntie's 90th birthday party.
Interesting how the wheel turns.
I think Alan suggested this as a handicap course, and we were impressed on our trial run.
Was evolved into a handicap course which was most enjoyable, over several years.
Friar, At
March 21, 2009 at 11:47 AM
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