Calwell Oval - 20 laps in Lane 5
Distance: 10.05 km
Time:45' 27"
Rate: 4' 31" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 11 degrees, humidity 40%, light south wind at 5 kmph
Week: 48.6 km, April: 423.15 km
Year: 1535.55 km in 17 weeks at 90.3 km ave per week
Cool weather again today to attempt a bit of faster running on the oval. Rode the bike from work, about 6.5 kms as the warm up. High cloud and a light southerly wind meant no warmth from the sun, and it kept the grass cold.
Cool enough to have to run in shoes, usually bare feet on grass. And cool enough to not be silly enough to try anything resembling fast, that's injury on demand.
Luckily the grass cutting man on his mower had just finished the track part of the oval. The track is in great condition after a bit of recent rain, as good as it gets.
Started slowly, shoes on, running easy and did 10 laps without a break, first 5 laps in 10' 33" ( 4'44" pace) and 2nd 5 laps in 10' 21" ( 4' 39" pace). I had warmed up by then, the sun just showing between the high cloud, and a soccer player doing some short sprints before a kick of the ball into the net.
Decided to remove the shoes and sox, the ground Ok, soft and dry. Lane 6 looked used from Ewen's speed session the day before. Stayed in lane 5, changed direction and a little faster. Next 5 laps in 9' 49" ( 4' 22" pace) and the final 5 laps in 9' 30" ( 4' 09" pace).
Ended with a short cool down and the bike ride home for lunch. Good session, I like these, even better when much warmer in summer when you can push the pace over the whole session without fearing the hammie going twang.
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