Easing Up and Up and Up
Distance: 15.98 km
Time: 87' 37"
Rate: 5' 30" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 17 degrees, humidity 50%, wind SE at 25 kmph
Week: 26.1 km, April: 291.95 km, Year: 1404.35 km
Not much to report today. A run home for lunch and back to work again run over the usual tracks close to the river. Fast running out of time to get ready for GH80, but still feel on track to be there in good shape. A couple of good long Saturday runs is all that is needed.
I hope the marathon runners are well on the way to recovery. Take time to get over it, do a CJ and have a break if necessary to freshen up and solve any injury problems.
Did CJ finish the marathon? No news on her blog, so maybe she stopped at Mr Spokes for a coffee on the second lap and stayed there.
Ewen, At
April 24, 2009 at 7:55 PM
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