Distance: 34.1 km
Time: 3 hrs 32 mins 41 secs
Rate: 6' 14" per km
Altitude: gain 410 metres, loss 490 metres
Weather: sun/ cloud, temp 12-21 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 115.2 km
April: 153.2 km
Year: 1265.6 km
No rain yesterday and none this morning but the afternoon is now looking like finally water may fall from the sky. However, the morning was again near perfect as I met Softshoeshuffle on the fire trail above Theodore.
From there we did a modified version of the Two Fruits loop, leaving out the long drag across the Wanniassa Hills above Long Gully Road and the section on Farrer ridge.
One of us is tapering for a marathon and one of us is on the comeback and build up to more ultras later this year. We walked up a few hills, I pushed a bit on the down hill towards home.
The silliest thing I have ever seen was a couple of dogs behind a colourbond fence, looking out under the gap at the bottom at a kangaroo standing on it's toes and tail for support. The kangaroo was trying to scratch these silly dogs, maybe playing, maybe serious. Sort of one of those funny home videos shots you see on TV.
We parted ways near home as Softshoeshuffle went towards Calwell shops and I headed home for a drink before a few more kms to be done. The last part is all down hill to Point Hut and Pine Is running at a reasonable pace before finishing at the beach for 15 minutes in the cool water of the Murrumbidgee River.
An hour longer than last weekend, and felt comfortable all the way, a good sign I can push up the time and distance over the next few weeks before GH 80 in late May.
That's a good trick. Having the map big and run small makes it look like a really easy run :)
Hope you're just as successful as CJ and Strewth in getting rid of those chocolate calories.
Ewen, At
April 14, 2009 at 5:54 PM
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