Mid Week Easy
Distance: 10.45 km
Time: 56' 49"
Rate: 5' 26" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 15 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 47.9 km, May: 287.1 km
Year: 1839.15 km in 21 weeks at 87.5 km ave per week
While trying to increase the running back to normal levels then add some more, doing it too fast can lead to injury and illness. Today was one of those easy, just do a little bit without resting, but nothing too exciting.
I ran home for lunch and drove the car back to work afterwards. I did ride the mtn bike to work in the morning, and left it there overnight. Might have to catch the bus to work in the morning. At least I get a free ride.
Nice run on Tuesday - that's not exactly flat.
Don't miss the bus, or you'll have to wait an hour for the next one (if it hasn't blown a turbo) ;)
By Ewen, At May 28, 2009 at 7:09 PM
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