Next Stop.....Tassie
Distance: 12.15 km
Time: 65' 12"
Rate: 5' 22" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 60%, wind SE 20 kmph
Week: 64.8 km, May: 304.0 km, Year: 1856.05 km
Last run for a few days due to travelling. I don't suppose walking slowly around the deck will count as 500 kms while the boat crosses Bass Strait. I just hope for a smooth crossing, I am not a good sailor, although I do love the trip, and have done it many times.
I have packed for a winter holiday, leaving the the snow skis at home. Joking, I hate winter, only ever been snow skiing twice, never again.
Ewen & Michael, look after the south side suburbs while I'm away. A little rain overnight would be nice.
No worries.
Enjoy the holiday. I hear there's plenty of fresh air out on the verandah.
By Ewen, At May 30, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Does the ship have a bike in the Gym ?
By Friar, At May 31, 2009 at 4:28 PM
Enjoy Tas. Some great places to run down there.
Really good article in Canberra Times today about Martin. Did you see it?
By Jog Blog, At May 31, 2009 at 9:31 PM
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