Run For Your Life
Distance: 4.75 km
Time: 26' 06"
Rate: 5' 30" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 14 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 52.65 km, May: 291.85 km, Year: 1843.9 km
I bought the latest edition of R4YL magazine today, not because my name might be in it, it wasn't, or my photo, never has been, and probably never will be, unless mixed in a group at the start line somewhere.
But a couple of good articles, one on Uncle Dave and one on Phibes. Both are top flight runners, so fast they might fly, certainly are when they go past me.
Today was one of those "time poor" days, so much to do, let alone go running. A short run around Tuggie before riding the mtn bike home at lunch time. No much, but better than nothing.
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