Back in Familiar Surrounds
Distance: 16.1 km
Time: 87' 57"
Rate: 5' 27" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 12 degrees, humidity 50%, light but cool NW wind at 10 kmph
Week: 16.1 km, June: 166.15 km, Year: 2022.2 km
It takes a while to unpack and catch up after being away for a while. So instead of running this morning, it was later this afternoon before getting out. Nice afternoon for winter. Checked out the usual tracks around Pine Is and Point Hut, plenty of people walking, none using the BBQs.
I read Uncle Dave's blog on his preparation for Gold Coast marathon, it's well worth a read if you want to run at the front of the field. He certainly puts the rest of us to shame with long runs back to back, and speed sessions where just one effort would kill me, let alone repeats.
The weather holding at cold with no rain hopefully means I can now ramp up the training towards something long at end of July or August. Consistency is now the name of the game, and not getting sick or injured.
It's even nicer today. You missed a shocker last Thursday.
By Ewen, At June 15, 2009 at 2:34 PM
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