What Happened in Hobart?
Berriedale: Distance - 16.25 km in 1 hr 27 mins 50 secs at 5' 24" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 7 degrees, SSW at 15 kmph, humidity 50%, temp felt like 4 degrees, snow on Mt Wellington down to 500 metres, cold all day.
Berriedale: Distance - 20.05 km in 1 hr 51 mins 53 secs at 5' 35" per km
Weather: part sun/ cloud, temp 10 degrees, humidity 65%, wind calm.
Week: 74.8 km, June ( and holiday total ) 150.05 km, Year: 2006.1 km
Three nights in Hobart visiting wife's family and friends. With Mrs Two Fruits doing the mother, sister bonding sessions, I had the chance to get a couple of decent runs done. Although it rained at some time every day, and with plenty of snow on the mountain, conditions weren't too bad to be out and about. I guess being near a river as well helps as does running at sea level breathing in salt air.
Visited the gates of Cadbury's chocolate factory a few times, past the first house we ever owned at Claremont with just a vacant reserve between the house and the river. I digress to say I loved living there, and could may be go back, but too many things have changed in 30 years. Yes, we have connections that work at Cadbury's, and we did bring some samples home. And no they won't all be eaten in a week, enough to last quite some time.
However one thing I will never forget, the smell of hot roasted cocoa beans with a gentle easterly breeze blowing. Just smelt like a big warm chocolate cake just out of the oven, unbelievable. Also visited the Claremont golf club, scene of a few boozy Sunday afternoons after a round of golf back in 1970's.
Back to running, one problem during holidays is to eat properly, too much of the protein and insufficient carbos. Ran out of energy on the Thursday run near the end, otherwise the entire 2 weeks was reasonably good for a holiday.
Crossed Bass Strait on Spirit of Tasmania 1 last night, almost a flat calm trip from Devonport to Melbourne. Called in to the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne to visit baby Jake who was due to be born tomorrow. Now weighs a healthy 2.2 kg, not too bad considering he started out at 830 grams at birth at 27 weeks. Not the smallest baby to be born there, one was only a bit over 400 grams and survived, the baby next to Jake is 1.1 kgs now, all boys of course, fighting machines. But so tiny.
There may a change of plans to my next major event, it may be Melbourne " Tan " instead of Qld 24 hour at end of July. Still have a month to decide, but whatever happens, the training will be the same, long, long and then get longer.
As in Tan Ultra 100km on 16 Aug?
Jog Blog, At
June 14, 2009 at 9:20 AM
Do they run around the whole Tan? A mountain goat such as yourself would enjoy doing the Anderson St hill a zillion times!
Ewen, At
June 14, 2009 at 9:45 AM
Yep, it's 25 laps of a 4km course. Can't wait. Hehehehe ...
Jog Blog, At
June 14, 2009 at 1:33 PM
Once up the hill is enough. Once up ANY hill is enough. I walked the tan in 1962, when competing in my first ever race longer than 5k.
speedygeoff, At
June 15, 2009 at 10:14 PM
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