Down the Parkway
Distance: 10.1 km
Time: 53' 18"
Rate: 5' 16" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 10.1 km, July: 188.7 km, Year: 2456.9 km
We went visiting on the dark side this afternoon. On the way home, I was dropped off at Kambah Village and ran the rest of the way home. The best part is it is basically a down hill or flat until the last km from home.
I missed the best part of the day by an hour or so, and was really happy to back up with a reasonable pace run after yesterday.
Felt good on the run, no worries from the previous day. A good night's sleep helped as well.
For those that need to know, there is no current emailing list. At this time of the year, very few are doing what I am interested in, ie ultras without mountains.
We might have to make the beer bet on Jog's Tan time. I'll check the odds at Sportsbet.
By Ewen, At July 14, 2009 at 8:37 PM
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