Same as Yesterday..Almost
Distance: 15.05 km
Time: 80' 54"
Rate: 5' 22" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 18 degrees, humidity 30%, wind calm then light NW at 15 kmph
Week: 38.4 km, Sept: 163.7 km, Year: 3128.4 km
Almost the same run course, almost the same weather, good day for running. Pity about the rest of the day, very frustrating day at work when a lot went wrong, a bit went right and some smiling faces made it all worth while.
I look forward each day to a few select passengers than give you a reason to go to work. A friendly hello bring a smile and a nice feeling. Certainly brightened up today. I don't think any of them are runners or I would invite them along to run at the Cotter this Saturday.
I remember Cann River from my old motorcycle touring days.
Have fun keeping up on Saturday. More 20-somethings to check the style of where I'm going. Hope to be out there the following week.
Ewen, At
September 16, 2009 at 4:33 PM
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