A Sunny Tuesday
Distance: 16.2 km
Time: 87' 00"
Rate: 5' 22 " per km
Weather: sunny, temp 14-15 degrees, humidity 50%, wind westerly at 15 kmph
Week: 42.15 km, Sept: 16.2 km, Year: 2980.9 km
A day that justified the first day of spring. Still a hint of coolness in the air, but at least it was sunny. Ran home for lunch and back to work after riding the mountain bike to work in the morning and home at night.
The ride home at night is a hard slog after 12 hours of work and running. Only 4.5 kms but.
Some responses to the running plan for the rest of the year. It seems some think I am still mad, may be in their minds it's all too hard. Whatever, I'll just do in my own way because that is what I do for fun.
It's better than watching Video Hits on a Saturday morning.
Well, I must be mad too because I thought the training run schedule looked fun. I'm in!
By Jog Blog, At September 2, 2009 at 4:44 PM
I'm in too, even if have to crawl!
By softshoeshuffle, At September 2, 2009 at 9:55 PM
Crawling sounds good, I would be able to keep up for once.
By speedygeoff, At September 3, 2009 at 8:53 AM
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