Mum's Birthday
Distance: 8.7 km
Time: 46' 36"
Rate: 5' 21" per km
Weather: very warm, mostly sunny, temp 33 degrees, humidity 20%, wind westerly at 20 kmph
Week: 45.3 km, Nov: 124.25 km, Year: 3828.15 km
The last few days have been very warm at midday. Plenty at work think I am mad to run in these conditions, but these conditions I like. It brings the field back to my standard.
Easy run around the local area, careful to watch for snakes, none about. A 15 minute splash about in the river to cool off and help the legs.
I changed my mind and will now run Mt Tennent on Saturday as well as the Mt Majura/Mt Ainslie leg on the Triple Tri. I don't push hard on Saturday, use the easier track off Bushfold Flats to get to the top, then run hard on the fire trail going down. I will take Sunday as it happens, but should still get near my predicted 1:40 - 1:45 hours. Both days are forecast to be hot, I hope the competition is not.
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