Saturday Long, Sunday Short
Distance: 12.45 km
Time: 67' 45"
Rate: 5' 26" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 22-25 degrees, humidity 68%-55%, wind calm
Week & Nov: 12.45 km, Year: 3716.35 km
An easy run down to the river to get some recovery cold water on the legs. Felt Ok, a little bit slower on way back but no sore spots, just tired.
Stopped to talk to a ranger spraying the grass on the river track between Pine Is and Point Hut. He said he will slash the grass over the next couple of weeks as well, then we will be able to see the snakes before they bite.
Nice day, humidity high, could be another thunder storm this afternoon. Getting some rain out of the clouds would be nice.
There was a snake on the Portland marathon course yesterday. Fortunately it was dead (whew!). Can't say it made me run any faster but it certainly helped keep me "focussed".
By Jog Blog, At November 2, 2009 at 11:55 AM
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