Running in Deep Space
Distance: 10.2 km
Time: 61' 02"
Rate: 5' 59" per km
Altitude gain & loss: 350 mtrs
Weather: sun/cloud, temp 20 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 10.2 km, Nov: 242.9 km, Year: 3946.8 km
No snow this year, and really perfect conditions for those competing in any of the 44 km, 25 km, 19 km or the short 8 km. A very early start ( sunrise - 5:45am) for the two long runs meant I was out of bed and on the road by 4:30 am to be half way up Mt Tennent to look after a drink station. A good spot it was as the runners, or walkers as they were approaching me first time, were still in good spirits on their way up Mt Tennent. Coming back down many did not stop either going too fast or knowing it was only 2.5 kms to the road and the next drink station.
Eventual winner in the 44 km run, Martin Fryer was in 3rd place and going easy only about 200 metres behind the leaders on the way up. But he had cleared away to lead easily on the way down and was never headed. In fact he went on to win and break the race record by 6 minutes. Second place was only 1 minute outside the race record so good were the conditions.
That is not to say this is an easy race, in fact only the good and the brave turn up, it is very tough. And so are the the two main shorter events, breaking 3 hours for the 25 kms is very good and under 2 hours for 19 kms is also a top effort.
The out of towners, overseas, Sydney, central Coast and Brisbane competitors found the hard way that there are hills and mountains and then there is Deep Space mountain marathon. Those two hardy runners from Brisbane are going to be very tired and sore tomorrow. Even Martin was complaining about his his sore legs.
I finished duties on Mt Tennent, drove to the top to collect the table and cups from Gramps's D/S and returned to the start / finish area in time to see Martin break the record. Easy run out towards Orroral Valley to stop to chat to Kelley & Mick at their D/S, then on the stop at the top of the hill before the long steep down to the valley. No point killing myself on a sight seeing trip.
Back at the finish, everyone had their version of their efforts, all seemed to like it, however hard it was for them.
Another good event put on by John Harding on behalf of the AMRA. It may be the last as it was originally set up to part fund the team members going to world champs overseas. That's now covered by the Bush Capital Festival in July.
Who came 2nd? Dave?
Jog Blog, At
November 22, 2009 at 8:25 PM
Sounds like an amazing and tough event! Took CJ out for coffee yesterday. She's looking good and managing well on her crutches. So good to catch up with her.
strewth, At
November 22, 2009 at 8:36 PM
I wanted a snow report!
Saw Martin's time in the paper. Incredible pace for that terrain.
Ewen, At
November 24, 2009 at 4:35 PM
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