No Naked Nymphs Today
Distance: 13.2 km
Time: 58' 58"
Rate: 5' 13" per km
Weather: cloudy, drizzle earlier, temp 20 degrees, humidity 85%, wind light NW at 12 kmph
Week: 26.35 km, Mar: 304.15 km, Year: 1126.85 km
Not much of a day, drizzle in the morning, no girls at the beach. Ran from work to home and back after lunch.
Stopped at Pine Is to get wet in the river for 10 minutes. All part of the long term plan.
The training plan went out last night, so far only a couple of positive responses, the rest appear to be weaving and hiding, or heading north to live.
Sindia (a speedygoose) reports she's been skinnydipping recently, and has photos on her FB page to prove it; could she be one of your nymphs?
speedygeoff, At
March 30, 2010 at 12:03 PM
I said I'd be down there this Friday to check out the NNs (Sindia?) but it's a long weekend. Bugger! Will have to make it next Friday.
Ewen, At
March 30, 2010 at 5:29 PM
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