Two Fruits

Friday, June 11, 2010

Around the Lake

Distance: 11.75 km
Time: 55' 49"
Rate: 4' 45" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 10 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 63.05 km, June: 107.45 km, Year: 2089.0 km

I wanted flat running today so had to run around the lake. Not a bike path runner at all, so managed to find the grass on the edge.
Many will know it is not 11.75 kms around the lake.
The course on the map is 7.4 kms, the extra was later on down around the car parks at Pine Is.
A nice day after a very cold, frosty morning. The temp dropped to - 3.8 degrees this morning, well below bike riding temperature for me. It's going to be cold again for the next few mornings, so gloves and warm clothes tomorrow for a run around the Woden hills.


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