First Half of the Year
Distance: 9.3 km
Time: 49' 00"
Rate: 5' 16" per km
Weather: cloudy, cold, temp 8 degrees, humidity 60%, wind northerly 15 kmph
Week: 43.05 km
June: 421.8 km in 27/ 30 days at ave 15.62 kms per run day
Year: 2403.35 km in 6 months at ave 400.55 kms per month
Nothing to report except it was still very cold at noon due to the wind. An easy run home at lunch time, the kangaroo's must have been cold as well as they didn't move when I passed within a metre or so. Or I didn't look at threat.
This has to be easy during the week or I have no chance of getting through Saturday's long session in Stromlo. But looking forward to the challenge.
I'll be watching.
By speedygeoff, At June 30, 2010 at 10:59 PM
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