Two Fruits

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who Likes Winter ? Not Me !

Distance: 11.15 km
Time: 58' 21"
Rate: 5' 14" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 7.5 degrees, humidity 60%, wind Nth 15 kmph
Week: 33.75 km, June: 412.5 km, Year: 2394.05 km

Yesterday morning, at least on the southside, the early morning temperature was -4 degrees. This morning another ripper frost, almost snow on the ground, a bitter - 6 degrees at dawn. No wind to help keep the temperature a little higher.
I do feel for those that run early morning in winter. I run because I enjoy running, below zero is not enjoyable.
Noon yesterday, a gentle circuit near work, nothing much to report. A very slight niggle on lower right shin gave me an excuse to have today off running. Plus, I took the car to work this morning and that gave me a chance to bring home the half a dozen stubbies I won in the fishing club raffle. I'll keep them for Christmas Day, they won't get drank before then unless I have visitors at home, and that's unlikely.
To the Gold Coast holiday makers, have a good time, wax the surf board, get out the sun screen. Have a good trip.


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