Sunday Recovery Session
Distance: 10.2 km
Time: 54' 09"
Rate: 5' 18" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 56%, wind calm
Week: 10.2 km, June: 295.65 km, Year: 2277.2 km
Better than expected today on an easy one way trip to Pine Is to find some cold water. Beaut day for an outing, but the water is freezing.
A month or so ago I measured the river water temperature at 13 degrees, must have dropped by 3 degrees or more by now. I could only manage 3 x 1 minute in the water before having to get out due to pain. It still did the trick, made a big difference and has now set up another good week. "Tan" is only 8 weeks away with a couple of cut back weeks to be thrown in to maintain freshness.
The 12 & 24 hour events have been held in Brisbane over the weekend, some good results up there. But it shows especially in the 12 hour how difficult it will be to do the 100 kms in Melbourne in under 12 hours. Might have to walk a few kms to get the distance.
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