Around the Lake, Again
Distance: 7.2 km
Time: 37' 10"
Rate: 5' 09' per km
Weather: cold, windy, light drizzle, temp 11 degrees, humidity 90%, wind NW at 20 kmph
Week: 65.8 km, June: 215.75 km
Year: 2197.3 km in 24 weeks at ave 91.55 km pw.
Running around Lake Tuggeranong is a last resort course for me, either road or bike path. But sometimes due to rain, it's the only option, most other off road tracks are too muddy & yucky.
The only savour for the lake is there is plenty of grass on the edge, just finish up with wet feet.
Missed out on having company today, may be next week.
Weather forecast looking good for the weekend.
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