Cotter Under Cloud
Distance: 33.25 km
Time: 3 hrs 39 mins 01 sec
Rate: 6' 35" per km
Cotter Run No: 148
Weather: cloudy, temp 11- 15 degrees, humidity 80% down to 60%, wind calm
Week: 60.0 km, Oct: 33.25 km, Year: 3577.1 km
The training plan was to run all the way to Bulls Head and back. However, an injury and a head cold during the week curtailed that plan. Three others joined in today with one a new guy from USA out here to help build the new Cotter dam. Seems he can run and will enter the Fitzroy Falls Fire Trail marathon new weekend. He should go Ok, but hasn't done a lot of running in the two months he has been in Aust.
Cloudy conditions with the thread of rain kept us to lower heights as we made our way from the car park via Vanities Crossing to Drink Station 7 on the Brindabella Classic course. Turned around there, back on Warks Road to DS 8, left on to the 21 mile trail to near Padovans, then back to Vanities.
Water level has dropped slightly, still very cool and mid thigh height on me. Quite refreshing. I'm still too slow from there back to the start but good to see Mick has the distance down to a respectable 32 minutes. That's where I need to be for that last 6.3 kms.
Plan to run 15-18 kms tomorrow, with a trip up Mt Rob Roy on Monday. I really need a week of warm weather with high humidity to get ready for FNQ in a couple of weeks.
Hi from qld. Definitely humid here - ie, 100%. Very pleasant temps tho. Quite nice for running. Took me a week to get used to. Not sure how I'd go further north. When's your qld race? And are you doing fitzroy falls 1st?
By Jog Blog, At October 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM
That's a good loop - although about 20k too far for me at the moment.
By Ewen, At October 3, 2010 at 3:23 PM
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