Launched Into Deep Space
Distance: 3.3 km
Time: 27' 37"
Rate: 8' 24" per km
Weather: cloudy, light drizzle, temp range 8 -13 degrees, humidity 90% - 70%, wind calm
Week: 3.3 km, Nov: 21.2 km, Year: 3812.85 km
The brave and the strong ran the Deep Space Mountain marathon, the 25 km up and down Mt Tennent, the 18.5 km over the range to Orroral River and back and the short but tough 8 km up to the tower and back.
I originally intended to drive up Mt Tennent to attend the drink station at the corner of Bushfold Flats trail. However, rain and grading of the fire trail meant a slippery surface and we were not permitted to drive even in 4WD.
Therefore, a walk/run from inside the road gate to the DS. The track wasn't too bad and would have been driveable, but higher up the track would have been dangerous.
I ran/walked the up hill in a blistering time of 17'36" for 1.63 kms at 10'48" pace. The down hill was quicker in 10 mins even at 6 min pace. Such speed.
Light drizzle or low mist hovered while the longer distance runners went past me twice. It is always nice on this mountain no matter the conditions. Everyone was having fun, although not always showing on their faces.
The leader in the 44 km was cruising, he was holding back to eventually run a race record beating Martin's time from last year by 2 minutes. Vanessa was her usual strong self, just 2 minutes outside her best time for the course.
Congratulations to Softshoe on his run today, all the training showed up with a great run in 5 hrs and 56 seconds, in front of many other well credentialled runners including Mick & Nick.
I'm not quite ready to get back seriously into the running, but with better weather forecast for this week, looks like it will be soon. Probably get out to the Cotter on Saturday, it could be very warm with an early prediction of 32 degrees in the afternoon. Very nice.
Bugger. I wanted snow.
Ewen, At
November 7, 2010 at 8:05 PM
Might see you at the Cotter next week.
Jog Blog, At
November 7, 2010 at 8:14 PM
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