Alonnah to Lunawanna
Where are we now: South Bruny Island
Distance: 11.75 km
Time: 64' 51"
Rate: 5' 31"
Weather: cloudy, temp 11 degrees, felt like 8, humidity 80%, wind cool & strong, 30 kmph gusts to 46 kmph
Week: 33.6 km, April: 108.55 km, Year: 889.6 km
This is our camp at my niece-in-law's shack at Alonnah. Nice location on a big block looking west out to sea. Facing west means lots of wind, and it blows strong, just like today and especially last night. A bit of light drizzle as well, the rain water tanks here are full, the grass is very green and lush.
I ran today south on the main road, it's gravel here but there are plenty of sealed sections. It's not that hilly, undulating at best but if you were doing the full length of Bruny Is run in Dec ( 64 kms), then these small hills would be a test. Interesting run, especially if the wind was blowing.
The shack here has plenty of cray pots, fishing gear and a boat. I think they live well down this way while on holidays.
A nice break away from civilization, the rough channel crossing on the ferry would be fun today, the sea is choppy for the 20 minute trip.
We will be here for Easter, not sure too many others will be looking at this sea.
Hope the chocolate eggs are going down well. According to Twitter, Mrs Muscles is hoeing in and stacking on the lbs.
Nice camp site. We're running the same pace these days - either I'm getting faster or you're getting slower!
Ewen, At
April 24, 2011 at 11:55 AM
Good luck Mrs Muscles, I've not been slacking on the bunnies either, that's my excuse.
Two Fruits, At
April 25, 2011 at 9:30 PM
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