Two Fruits

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whales Be Gone

Distance:  7.15 km
Time: 39' 04"
Rate:  5' 27" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 15 degrees, humidity 70%, wind sthy 15 kmph
Week: 37.75 km, Aug:  87.3 km, Year: 1433.25 km

Yesterday afternoon there were 4 whales just off the beach. May be some were hiding in the morning. A great sight with plenty of people watching. Seemed the news had got around.
Heavy rain this morning, did look like getting any running done today. However, the clouds moved to a very average day, at least dry this afternoon.
Late run along beach, no one about & no whales, all gone off to warmer waters.
Last time to run along a beach bare feet for a long time, unless you call the sand at Pine Is at home a beach. If so, about 20 metres is all you get.
I will total up my bare feet running kilometres and record it. The different opinions about bare feet running may or may not be in line with what I have done over the last 3 months.
Whatever, it will be strange to run again regularly in shoes.


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