Arboretum - laps around the outside
Distance: 45.4 km
Time: 5 hrs 16 mins 24 secs
rate: 6' 58" per km
Elevation gain: 750 metres
Weather: sunny, temp range 11- 27 degrees, humidity 95% down to 25%, wind mostly calm then up to NW 25 kmph
Week: 127.8 km, Oct: 345.65 km, Year: 2243.9 km
Softshoe joined me to run 5 laps x 8.33 kms each plus a bit extra around the outside of the Arboretum.
We started from outside the main gate as it is locked due to construction work. The first 2 laps were anticlockwise so going up the gun barrel first, the undulating hills on the western side, to be used next Sunday for the vet's monthly handicap. Changed direction for laps 3 and 4, then back to anticlockwise for lap 5. An out & back to make the distance over 45 kms which we planned to achieve.
The course followed the power lines to the southern end, then on the open flatter trail next to the Tuggeranong Parkway back to the start. We stopped to replenish drinks & to get something to eat after each lap. It started out mild but humid then the heat really was noticeable but the humidity dropped quickly.
A great course with plenty of challenges, certainly one we will do again, may be another lap or two if the weather permits, ie, doesn't too much warmer.
Finished at Black Mtn peninsular for 10 minutes in the water mainly to wash off the dirt & sweat. It's not quite cool enough for proper recovery.
Then a couple of hours walking around the Leisure & Pleasure show at EPIC, felt Ok at the time but tired now.
looks like a couple of easy days coming up to recover.
Was the Leisure and Pleasure show good? Wanted to check it out but never quite got there. Next time ...
By Jog Blog, At October 23, 2011 at 9:39 PM
Just checked out the caravans & 4 wheels drives. Not into crafts & cooking. Plenty to see, you could take half a day.
By Two Fruits, At October 23, 2011 at 9:55 PM
You don't seriously think I'm into "crafts" do you? Leisure and pleasure do not equal "crafts" in my opinon.
By Jog Blog, At October 24, 2011 at 8:26 PM
Mal and Joy are looking at a camper trailer - I reckon they should go the full monty caravan as Joy is used to Bellagio luxury.
What's the short arboretum h'cap course like? Where are the ups/downs and how severe are they?
By Ewen, At October 24, 2011 at 9:11 PM
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