Two Fruits

Monday, October 10, 2011

Isabella ( Necessary on a Bike )

Today:Distance:  7.00 km
Time:  39' 17"
Rate:  5' 37" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 47%, wind NW 10 kmph
Week:  7.00 km, Oct:  127.00 km,  Year:  2025.8 km

Knocked flat by a cold/flu on Saturday afternoon after a very average effort around the Cotter. Spent the rest of the day in bed & Sunday under a blanket watching the Bathurst car race.
Better today, chance on a nice sunny morning to run short, warm up the system a bit and bring up the germs. Seems to have worked.
Ran the Isabella Plains loop on the bike path. Heaps of people out either running, walking, bikes or pushing prams. Great to see everyone out and about. Pity some don't bother to acknowledge others, just a nob of the head would be nice instead of blank ignorance.


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