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Distance: 10.25 km
Time: 61' 03"
Rate: 5' 58" per km
Weather: part sun/cloud, temp 21 degrees, humidity 60&, wind light NE 10 kmph
Week: 10.25 km, Dec: 103.55 km, Year: 2895.95 km
Back in town, back at work, back into a routine. Easy does it for the rest of this year. Only goal now is to run the final 100 and a bit kms to pass 3000 for the year on what has been a funny, mixed up running year.
Obviously still feeling the effects of Bruny Is run. Started out Ok, ran slow controlled pace for 4-5 kms, then energy gave out. Nothing unusual here, the 2nd week after an ultra whether just over a marathon or really long is the tough week. And most likely to cause an injury or sickness when immune system is still under pressure to repair.
So take it carefully slow, just enough to maintain momentum.
Nothing special about the run around the nature park near the river. the grass desperately needs cut, snake country otherwise not easy to see. A nice blue tongued lizard on the path wouldn't move, enjoying a brief patch of sunshine.
Janene, if you read this, I still can't comment on your blog. Not sure what to advise on where you are with your running. Except, speed and distance don't mix. Injury waiting to happen. At this moment, either one or the other. But you can't have a speed base without a big distance( aerobic ) base.
Second, stay off the hard surfaces, they are for cars and the occasional short race. They will stuff muscles, ligaments, tendons & joints in the long run. Do your training on grass or dirt. Only close to a target road race should you venture on to hard surfaces.
Stay with the track running until summer is over. Then build a distance base over winter & run a nice half marathon in spring. The vet's handicaps over winter plus a bit of tempo running will maintain the speed you build during summer.
For me, I'll pick up the distance running in the new year ready for next target ultra in April. I already have my plan set for next year. The Saturday long runs are pencilled in until mid April. A couple of weeks easy in May on holiday ( again) before the next target ultra in July, unless other factors interfere.
The 2nd half of the year will be just a big training session mixed in with some shorter races plus the vet's handicaps for speed.
Wish you hadn't brought the Tassie weather back with you!
Sounds like a good plan for 2012. Lane 5 down at Calwell is a good soft surface.
By Ewen, At December 14, 2011 at 7:21 PM
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