No Connection
Distance: 8.6 km
Time: 51' 08"
Rate: 5' 58" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 25.3 km, Dec: 118.6 km, Year: 2911.00 km
The head was willing & enjoying the sunny day. The legs & energy levels said " not today".
So it was a nothing outing, nice to be out after the weather we have had. But as a run, obviously there is still some Bruny Is yet to disappear.
Looks like next week before the freshness returns. I'm collecting signs & dropped bodies on Sunday at Tour de Ridges, so that won't be too much.
I'll rest on Friday, hit the gym if I get the chance. Quite like the challenge in there, no way will I bulk up too much, if at all. Just a little stronger I hope.
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