Good Late Day Decision
Distance: 10.4 km
Time: 54' 09"
Rate: 5' 12" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 21 degrees, humidity 85%, wind north 10 kmph
Week: 10.4 km, Feb: 358.95 km, Year: 815.00 km
I nearly & should/could have ran at lunch time from Belco depot around Lake Ginninderra. I've done it many times before over the past decade or so.
Like all the lake paths, they are nice, the scenry is Ok, but a bike path is still a bike path, hard on feet & legs. So, pass, ate lunch & watched the battle on the hill from PH instead.
Ran late after work from home around the outside of Isabella Plains. Again it follows a bike path, but there is plenty of room on the edge to run on the grass. And mostly, recently cut.
A good pace for me for an after work run, don't like running late in the day.
I would have written this an hour ago, but the power went out for the first time in many, many years at our house. A very uncommon event in the lovely southern suburbs of the ACT.
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