Two Fruits

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Waste of Time

Distance:  10.1 kms
Time:  63' 19"
Rate:  6' 16" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 26 degrees, humidity 45%, wind light NW 15 kmph
Week:  55.85 km,  Feb:  336.25 km,  Year: 793.3 km

Should not have ran today, a sore throat is a dead giveaway that something has gone amiss. Heavy legs & general lethargy topped off a crappy, terrible run. Pity, it was such a nice day.
I think a driver at work passed it around, he was falling apart yesterday and may have spread the virus.
I'll take it very easy tomorrow, rest up and head to Cotter on Saturday, all being Ok.
Dose up with medicine & lozenges to kill this problem asap. Better to fix it now than have it linger for  week, and interrupt the training plan.


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