Thunder & Lightning, No Rain
Distance: 10.6 km
Time: 56' 41"
Rate: 5' 21" per km
Weather: stormy, thunder, cloudy, temp 23 degrees, humidity 55%, wind SE 15 kmph
Week: 73.35 km, Feb: 280.4 km, Year: 736.45 km
Spent last night at the 12 hour at Stromlo helping to lap score & generally assist while the runners & walkers circulated on the 1km bike track all night.
To finish off an easy week with no long Saturday run, I had a 5 hour snooze at home then this short flat run around the local suburbs. Plenty of thunder & lightning about at the moment, but no rain. Unlike just after the start of the 12 hour last night when there was a big storm pass over dumping heaps of rain.
The world of ultra running is alive & well with 3 recent 12 hour events attracting good numbers. The result at Stromlo was certainly up there with the others with 7 or 8 competitors getting over 100 kms completed.
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