I'm Still Moving, Just & Slowly
Distance: 5.8 km
Time: 33' 22"
Rate: 5' 45" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 45%, wind NW 15 kmph
Week: 13.3 km, Aug: 42.7 km, Year: 3026.35 km
I ran home from work during lunch break. Nothing special with the clouds moving over with it looking like showers or rain which didn't really happen.
I've just finished reading about the injury toll at present with only Mrs Muscles in good shape and able to put in the hard yards. Go girl !
The rest of us are all out of action or badly restricted for a variety of reasons. Is it the cold winter or is just coincidence that it has happened now ?
Some of us will recover sooner than others. I hope we are all back on the road/track/trails or wherever very soon. Spring is around the corner and a great time to be out in the warmer sunshine.
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