Terrible Mid Week
Distance: 4.15 km
Time: 26' 40"
Rate: 6' 25" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Distance: 12.25 km
Time: 73' 26"
Rate: 6' 00" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 40%, wind NW 15 kmph
Week: 24.7 km, Nov: 207.4 km, Year: 4611.65 km
Not sure what has happened mid week, but I felt flat, tired & lethargic. May only be overdone & need a couple more good nights of sleep.
Wednesday was one of the worst days I have ran for a while choosing a flat short run from work to home, but it wasn't worth the effort. Something was not right or it was just the cooler weather from the late weekend & Monday.
Today was better, not much, but better with a few stops on the way. May be just that the sun was shining.
Anyway, it's good to get these off days out of the way before an important Saturday trip up Mt Tennent a couple of times.
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