What's Happened Recently
Running: nil - planned rest day
Running: nil - lunch date offer never going to refuse
Purpose: mid week junk kms
Distance: 13.6 km
Time: 86' 17"
Rate: 6' 21" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 24 degrees, humidity 55%, wind north 15 kmph
Recovery: 8 mins in river
Purpose: long run
Distance: 30.4 km
Time: 3 hrs 12 mins 6 secs
Rate: 6' 19" per km
Altitude gain: 530 metres
Weather: sunny, temp range 11-20 degrees, humidity 95 - 65%, wind calm
Purpose: easy day
Distance: 11.75 km
Time: 66' 38"
Rate: 5' 40" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 17 degrees, humidity 50%, wind WNW 30 kmph
Week: 100.75 km, March: 254.65 km, Year: 910.4 km
I had 2 days off running mid week after a reasonable last weekend due to a public holiday on Monday when another 30 kms was covered.
That made Tuesday a recovery day, a very slow run to finish at the river for 10 minutes in the cool water.
Wednesday was a planned rest day. Then on Wednesday night I received an invitation for lunch on Thursday, so no running for 2nd day. That was Ok as I had ran 14 days in a row and a couple of days off will do more good than harm. Lunch date was wonderful.
Friday was then under pressure to get some running done to keep the weekly total ticking over. First part was not good, no rhythm and very slow. Second part was better, no surprises about the day.
Saturday is always long run day. This time I joined Softshoe to travel to the north side of town to run with Kelly. Original plan was to head towards Hall through Mulligans Flat, but we had a change of plan after crossing Horse Park Dr and finished on top of Mt Majura. Run changed from a flat endurance run to a strength run up and down the mountain. A good run considering Friday's poor effort.
Today I only had to run 11 kms to get over 100 kms for the week, so nothing special had to done. Just a flat run around the local area. The wind was cool and strong, so time wise was not that flash.
Otherwise, a reasonable week, base kms is still good and building up.
Let me know when you are running in my neck of the woods again and I may join you :)
Jog Blog, At
March 16, 2014 at 5:42 PM
Certainly will Liz. It will be after the marathon after Kelly has recovered. Probably go Mulligans Flat to Hall & back. Beautiful part of the Centenary Trail.
Two Fruits, At
March 16, 2014 at 9:09 PM
Sounds good! I may not run the full distance you run but I'd be happy to tag along for some :)
Jog Blog, At
March 17, 2014 at 6:54 PM
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