First Part of October
I've ran on 9 out of the 11 days so far this month.
Plus a new mountain bike purchase has helped with some cross training as I ride to work and back home now daylight savings has started.
Week: 55.55 km, Oct: 97.1 km, Year: 1717.95 km
The month so far has been a rebuild the base and drop a couple of kgs that I have gained recently due to lack of physical activity from a fall a few weeks ago resulting in 7 stitches in a wound below right knee. All good now.
Slowly building up the distance of the long run. Today was the longest for a while doing 18 kms on a version of a Two Fruits circuit through MacArthur, the new Centenary Trail & back home over Farrer Ridge & Wanniassa Hills nature reserve.
These runs are fairly slow, but do have a reasonable amount of up and down. Today had around 340 metres of up hill. Last Monday I did a run to and up Mt Tuggeranong with that having about the same altitude gain.
The reason for this is a spring time of mountain running coming up soon with an excellent female who just loves & eats up hills. Bring on Mt Tennent, I may not be able to keep up, but it will be lots of fun.
At this stage, going Ok. It's slowly getting easier, still much slower than I would like, but at least it's forward progress.
Nice warm spring time weather is certainly nice.
Haven't heard you're in hospital so the night trail run must be still going strong ;)
Ewen, At
October 18, 2014 at 8:13 PM
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