Next Part of October
Week: 59.3 kms, Oct:223.3 kms, Year: 1844.15 kms
It's been 2 weeks since I last reported so I had better put some facts & figures on this blog.
Basically, week days have been really short running home at lunch time. It's been fairly busy with many things on the go all at the same time.
However, as big totals are still not the main focus, easy days are just perfect.
The main long runs have been on Saturday's with a second night time run with Martin F last weekend from Woden to O'Malley, Red Hill to Parliament House and back via Deakin & Adelaide Ave.
No problems this time, managed to stay upright & thoroughly enjoyed the 3 hours and a bit we were out.
Today, I did my 61st run/walk up Mt Rob Roy with Softshoe on a very warm morning. This one was 29 kms in just over 4 hours but with just under 1000 metres of climbing.
Much slower pace, but it all adds up to rebuild the endurance base which is slowly returning.
I have no pace and will struggle to race the 10 kms at Goorooyarroo on Sunday morning.
But, it's all good training. The previous 4 months running km totals have been 16.65 km in June, 57.6 kms in July, 58.7 kms in August & 95.55 kms in Sept.
Still nothing planned for the rest of this year, just keep doing what I'm doing. But do need to have more sessions at Calwell oval to regain some speed in my slow legs.
How did you go? Manage to pull back Ruth? Mrs Muscles?
Ewen, At
October 26, 2014 at 5:43 PM
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