First Half of November
Last week: 110.9 km
November: 221.8 km
Year: 2122.8 km
Slowly starting to build this base with many short week day runs now due to some very warm spring weather. Last Friday, afternoon temps hit 37 degrees, so on these days I just go short.
I have finally cracked the 100 kms for the week for the first time since back in March before injury to my hip. It's taken a long time to get it almost right, probably now at 95%. Cold weather doesn't help.
Consistent running has now increased the weekly total average to just over 46 kms per week for the year. A good target now with 6 weeks to go would be 50 kms per week average.
One part lacking from my running is speed, but base building is more important at this stage.
There are no race plans for remainder of this year with the Canberra 100 km in March next year a goal to make the start line. Early bird entries close at end of this month so that's an incentive to keep going.
Otherwise, all good. Hope the nice spring time weather continues. Don't mind the heat, don't like the rain.
Nice going on the base building. Bet you're glad you're not in a triple-tri team now that it's been cancelled. My 5k at Majura at 9.30 will be tough enough.
Ewen, At
November 22, 2014 at 11:16 PM
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