Week 30 - Not Big Enough
Distance: 2,463.35 kms in 30 weeks at ave 82.1 km ( up from 80.9 km last week )
Last week: 116.1 kms in 6 days at ave 19.35 kms
Altitude: 47,459 metres in 30 weeks at 1,582 metres ( up from 1,571 metres last week)
Last week: 1,893 metres in 6 days at ave 316 metres
Another good week but not really getting in the big distances or altitude that I need. While I have had only 3 rest days this month, the long runs need extending. The short mid week running is at easy pace, with a good hilly one in there of about 20 kms with around 400 metres of up hill on Tuesday.
Highlight of the week was a win ( Gold medal) in the monthly veteran's athletic running handicap over the 9 km Little Black Mountain course. It was undulating and a good back up run as I had done a 40 km training run the day before.
Otherwise, all good. Seem to getting it together. A week of reasonable winter weather has helped.
Come on Steve! I'm waiting for your 63k BC report. Surely you've woken up from your afternoon nap by now.
Ewen, At
August 2, 2015 at 5:33 PM
Report- all went well. Will do longer version on Wednesday at end of week 31.
Two Fruits, At
August 3, 2015 at 8:35 PM
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