Marking Time in Week 31
Distance: 2,573.95 kms in 31 weeks at ave 83.0 km p.w ( up from 80.9 kms last week)
Last week: 110.6 kms in 5 running days at ave 22.1 kms per run day
Altitude: 49,055 metres in 31 weeks at ave 1,582 metres p.w. ( no change from last week)
Last week: 1,596 metres in 5 running days at ave 319 metres per run day
Highlight of the week was participating in the Bush Capital ultra run over 3 x half marathon distance ( 63.3 kms ) or 64 kms as measured by my Garmin.
A small field in this event, about 15 I think with no late entries due to the miserable day weatherwise.
Rain started during the night before and continued during the first couple of hours of the run. Then a couple of hours of fine weather, before the clouds came back over to deliver some more showers without being too heavy.
The trails were flooded & muddy so no chance of keeping anything dry. With the cold weather, we are in mid winter here in Australia, conditions meant slow times.
I didn't push at all, concentrating on running as much as possible of the entire course. Only on the 2nd & 3rd laps did I walk about 20 metres near the top of the Hackett Hill. Otherwise, apart from jumping over flooded creeks, I ran the remainder. The recent distance & hill training paying off.
Conditions meant 5 of the 15 starters either retired or opted to finish at the end of the 2nd lap & get a time in the marathon. I finished 8th overall, so a top 10 result was really good. Time for me was 7 hours 15 minutes 46 seconds with 1,145 metres of altitude gain.
Also, this week, I didn't run on 2 days so only 5 running days done. Last Thursday, I had a medical for my bus driver's licence, passed. On Tuesday, a day trip to Sydney, so no running again.
Still managed 110 kms in those 5 days, but really need a few big weeks in August before heading outback in Sept for another long solo fun run.
All good at the moment, hope we get some fine, sunny winter weather. Cold Ok, rain not Ok.
Congratulations! Glad I wasn't out there - even racing 5k. Not a bad day today for running - need more of them!
Ewen, At
August 7, 2015 at 8:56 PM
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