Week 47 - Marking Time
Distance: 3,897.9 kms in 47 weeks at ave 82.9 kms ( same as last week)
Last week: 81.7 kms, Nov: 286.2 kms
Altitude: 69,104 metres in 47 weeks at ave 1,470 metres ( up from 1,465 metres last week)
Last week: 1,720 metres, Nov: 5,613 metres
Marked time this week but it could have been a good week as I had one rest day & one day of only 4 kms.
Good altitude gain this week, above the average, with a solo run around 5 trig points of the local area on Saturday getting 1,060 metres of up hill.
While flat speed is somewhat lacking, there is plenty of strength from the hills. trying to hit the down hill with speed, and not falling over, gets a bit more leg turnover. Really should get back to the oval for a few laps in lane 5.
Otherwise, the running takes second place for the next couple of weeks as we head over to Tassie for a short holiday to celebrate a friend's 70th birthday & 50th wedding anniversary within 2 days of each other. Catch up with family & others as well, so going to be busy.
What's your next big event Two Fruits?
Jog Blog, At
November 26, 2015 at 8:04 PM
If I can get enough training done, I'll may be CBR 100 km. After that, packing up, selling & moving. Won't be much then if anything in 2016.
Two Fruits, At
November 27, 2015 at 8:20 PM
Great idea. Just stay out of lane six ;-)
Ewen, At
December 7, 2015 at 12:14 PM
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